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Updated on Sunday, August 27, 2006, at 7:07PM
An Event for Participation by
Dr.S.Aravamudhan before this CRSI meeting

is the IBS2006
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This counter set up with "00001" on Friday,February 17, 2006 at 6:31 PM
BEGIN participation in the NSC8 Symposium: the CRSI meeting        CLICK HERE & Go To PRESENTATION

CLICK HERE to Download NSC8 circular ".pdf"
CLICK HERE to Download NSC8 schedules ".pdf"

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2005 1:50 AM
Subject: About NSC8 Registration

Hello Prof. Sankarampadi ARAVAMUDHAN,
Thank you for Registration At 8th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, IIT Bombay
Your Registration Number is : 72.
Please remember this registration number this will help you in further processing.

Click HERE for Curriculum Vitae of Dr.S.Aravamudhan


A resubmission of the same Abstract submitted earlier with the Reference 2 specified more than the �in press� version. Find the modified version on next page

The reference is known now.

Thursday, November 03, 2005   12:48:15 PM



Chemical Shift Tensor Determination Entails a Revelation in Condensed Matter Physics 


Department of Chemistry

North Eastern Hill University

NEHU Campus Mawkynroh Umshing

Shillong 793022 Meghalaya

Click Here for "About this Author"


This contribution concerns itself with the HR PMR measurements in single crystalline solids, by which the chemical shift tensor of protons in organic molecules would be determined. In these series of experiments, after the elaborate acquisition of data followed by analysis, invariably, a situation would result in which the analyzed data do not reflect the requirements according to the molecular symmetry for the orientation of the principal directions of the chemical shift tensor. These conflicting results could not be reconciled until a simple approach to try to account for the intermolecular contributions to the shielding could be envisaged, based on the experiences in the HR PMR in liquid state. This approach was the well evidenced neighbor group contributions to isotropic chemical shifts calculable in several contexts satisfactorily using the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of the neighbor groups.  Samples of spherical shape were used for making the measurements because of which the bulk susceptibility contributions to chemical shift were ensured to be zero. The contributions from the neighboring molecules within the Lorentz sphere had to be calculated and subtracted from the experimentally measured chemical shift values to result in a Tensor that reflected the intramolecular symmetry. These results [1] first established in 1979 has subsequently triggered a cascaded effort. Investigations as to whether this kind of neighbor contribution can be dependent upon the shape of the hypothetical boundary around the specified proton site. A spherical enclosure, the Lorentz sphere, in these contexts is conventionally known; but, ellipsoidal enclosure around the specified proton is never found to be mentioned. An argument seems possible that, as much as within a spherically shaped specimen the bulk susceptibility contribution is zero, within an ellipsoidal shape for the specimen a hypothetical ellipsoidal semi micro cavity can be carved out around the proton site for which the induced fields can be zero at the proton site. These subject matters seem to evoke the interest of specialists in condensed matter physics with regard to the induced field patterns within magnetized (magnetic) materials [2]. These consequences have simplifying features in such a way as to appeal to chemists [3] as well. This perspective would be explained in this contribution.


1. S.Aravamudhan and U.Haeberlen, H.Irngartinger and C.Krieger, Mol. Phys., 38 p 241-255 (1979)

2. S.Aravamudhan, Indian J. Phys. 79 (9), p 985-989 (2005)





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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 6:44 AM
Subject: Acceptance of abstract!

> We are pleased to confirm the acceptance of your abstract whose details
> are given below.
> Chemical Shift Tensor Determination Entails a Revelation in Condensed
> Matter Physics
> S.Aravamudhan
> Department of Chemistry
> North Eastern Hill University
> NEHU Campus Mawkynroh Umshing
> Shillong 793022 Meghalaya
> Looking forward to meeting you at NSC-8.
> ------------------------------NSC-8 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE, IIT BOMBAY
> ----------------------------------------------
> Dr. Chebrolu Pulla Rao
> Professor, Department of Chemistry
> Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
> Powai, Mumbai - 400 076, India
> E-mail:;
> Tel (off):    (+91-22) 2576 7162
>     (Resi):   (+91-22) 2576 8162; 2572 6742
> Fax (off):    (+91-22) 2572 3480



Click Here for "About this Author"

Most of the Contents for this presentation would be from the recent presentation made at the 4th Alpine Conference on SSNMR at Chamonix Mont Blanc, France during September 11-15, 2005.

Down loads from POSTER site at URL:

Below are Links to powerpoint '.ppt' and '.pdf' files prepared for the context of the 4th Alpine conference on SSNMR.
The '.ppt' files are viewable exclusively with MS Powerpoint XP version only
The '.pdf' files would require "adobe acrobat reader' version 6.0

NOTE While downloading, when the dialogue box appears prefer to SAVE to resident disk instead of opening the downloads directly from the website.

          Link_1   for_CD.ppt
          Link_2   for_CD_ctnm_discrete.ppt
          Link_3   4th_Alpine_review.pdf
     Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 12:36:09 +0530 (IST)
    Subject: Re: Registration Number NSC8
    To: "Aravamudhan, S.Dr."

    Dear Dr. Aravamudhan: The poster would be of the size 1.0 M x 1.2 M. I
    hope this information will help in your poster preparations.
    With best regards --- C.P. Rao

                update on Wednesday, January 11,2006

Inserted by Dr.S.Aravamudhan on 1st Feb.2006 3:18AM
Journey to Mumbai for NSC8 from Chennai on 1st Feb. 2006 by Mumbai mail 23:00 hrs/reach Mumbai on 3rd Feb. 2006 early morning hours


CLICK HERE and download the Index List of Posters at NSC8
CLICK HERE to Download NSC8 schedules ".pdf"

CLICK HERE for the WebPage for 6th NSC of CRSI held at IIT/Kanpur, 2004

TITLE of Poster PP-75 for NSC8:   Chemical Shift Tensor Determination Entails a Revelation in Condensed Matter Physics

This counter set up with "00001" on Friday,February 17, 2006 at 6:31 PM
Main Contents for NSC8: POSTER No:PP-75

Appendix NSC8:

Above in Appendix:CONSIDERATIONS of a trend Setter for Quantitive Criterion: "Discreteness to Continuum "
Click Here for "About this Author"

This Poster Site constructed during 31st Jan.-1st Feb. 2006
Poster presentation held at the NSC8 Venue on Friday, February 3, 2006 14:00-16:00Hrs
this update inserted at the Guest House 'Vanvihar' of IIT/Bombay on 4th Feb. 2006 at10:03PM
Certificate of Participation
CLICK on this image to display in enlarged size

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Submitted Abstract for the
International Conference on Molecules to Materials
March 3-4, 2006 to be held at SLIET, Longowal, Sangrur-148106, Punjab
Logo Below

CLICK HERE to display the site at which jump to EVENT-III for ICMM-2006

ICMM-2006 is organized with the intension to promote close professional interactions among scientists through wide ranging discussion and critical debate on recent scientific advancement in chemical science and technology. The conference shall encourage interdisciplinary research growth and strengthen relation between various industries, research laboratories and institutes of learning for building knowledge economics. The combined efforts and interaction shall lead to draw a common strategy for sustainable developments of science and technology which can be exploited for the benefit of mankind.

Cardinal Dates

Registration Opens onwards

November 10, 2005

Abstract Submission deadline

December 31, 2005

Notification of acceptance of papers/posters

January 5, 2006

Payment of registration and Submission of Full Manuscript

January 15, 2006

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