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Conference Views By Dr.S.Aravamudhan
The HOTLINK below displays the webpage meant to simulate the POSTER presentation views
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This Web Page is intended to give a Glimpse of the Views at the Poster sessions in the Conferences and the main Contents which repeatedly occur while emphsizing the differnet applications at varied Contexts.

at this  Link for Typical Poster Views At Conferences
The Sheets displayable  are those which were put up at the Discussion Meeting on Structural Biology and Biophysics held at the University of Madras,Chennai
CLICK HERE!!This has link to three email addresses:;;
A Photgraph witnessed at the photo displays of XIV International Biophysics Congress.'Mouse-over' picture is "food_grapes".Click on this picture would  display the SHEET #1 of the Discussion Meeting
   LINKS     BELOW:- To     View Some   Typical Display   Sheets 
for  a link to a Webpage which is an INDEX page to the other relevant pages
Sheet 2
For Particulars about the author
Sheet 1
Sheet 4
Sheet 3
104 TOP on LHS: With  N.R.Krishna, University of Alabhama at Birmingham
BOTTOM on LHS: With Amitabha Chattopadhyay, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
A Copy of the Photograph which could be witnessed at the XIV International Biophysics Congress, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA,April 27-May 1,2002
Click here would display the SHEET #12  of the Discussion Meeting. The 'mouse-over' picture is the "food_Califlower" and from the point of view of the Biodiversity and bioinformatics this can be cited here as the example of "FRACTAL-features" found in 'nature'.
A Photograph with Prof.K.Akasaka by
  Prof.Akasaka at the venue of the 8th
  NMRS Meeting and Symposium on the
  Biomedical Magnetic Resonance at the
Sanjay Gandhi post Graduate Institute of
Medicalsciences, Lucknow during
The "mouse-over" tips when the cursor is placed on the two photographs (Above and on the Right) would indicate the change-over pictures. Also clicking on these would display the FIRST and the FINAL sheets in the poster-session at the Discussion Meeting at Chennai

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