Saturday, 2024-07-27
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Here appears the Sheet #12. A mouse-click can ensure that this transitory display becomes the durable display of this SHEET #12. Before clicking make sure to veiw the ilustrative pictures below.
These twining length have leavy appearances in illustrated depictions! Illustrations can can be illusory as well.
SEE the Eucalyptus tree trunk !!The winding and stacking molecules (change into)make the branching and twinning trees
PLACE the cursor
over the two pictures on the Left side of this text & SEE a change-over
to another picture
The stack of molecules on the right side gets the look on the left side when the digital photograph is expanded.
The first display sheet [SHEET #1] of the POSTER presenatation appears below.
CLICKING on the  display sheet below would display the SHEET #12 which is the final sheet
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