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Returned from Chennai on 4th June 2009: "after a stay since 15th May 2009"
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Eversince 30-11-2006, the date of attaining Superannuation, Staying in Shillong   and
continuing with the on-going research work at the Department of Chemistry,N.E.H.U.

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The full resume (as it is posted at HERE) was submitted to the Resume Development Service of the naukri.com.They have finalised the resume with their version of a summary of the resume with approval.
This MS-WORD-document version of the RDS (updated on Apr. 15,2009) can be downloaded from HERE

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Name: Sankarampadi ARAVAMUDHAN
b. Designation
(before superannuation)

Date of superannuation
Assistant Professor
communication from UGC      For details :- CLICK HERE
Correspondence on Insurance Claim from   Deutsche Versicherungsbund Berlin
30-11-2006   You may CLICK Here  and  Here
Full Official Address,
Telephone,Fax, E-mail
Sankarampadi ARAVAMUDHAN                     Phone:+913642722601   Cell:+919862053872
Department of Chemistry:                                    Fax: +913642550486
North Eastern Hill University                                Email: inboxnehu_sa@yahoo.com
PO NEHU Campus Mawkynroh Umshing                     amudhan20012000@yahoo.co.in
SHILLONG 793022 Meghalaya INDIA                         saravamudhan@hotmail.com
Date of birth 01-12-1944
Highest Degree University/Institute
Ph.D.,            INDIAN INSTITUTE of Technology, Kanpur
17th May 1975           Synopsis  of the Ph.D., thesis.
Research specialization: (Major Scientific fields of interest):
Magnetic Resonance:Theory, Experiment , Instrumentation :CURRENT STATUS of Activties in BOX below
Research experience during the last 5 years of service:- Dr.S.Aravamudhan attained the age of superannuation (62 years) on 30th November 2006.
During Dec.2006-Feb.2009, and till now, Dr.Aravamudhan participated in about 15 scientific events, presenting papers and giving lectures on Magnetic resonance and the applications as can be seen from the WebSite

Even after superannuation the activities had to be  pursued for completion  of the tasks initiated earlier.   Currently the activities at the  Department of Chemistry,  (as Pensioner at NEHU, Shillong)   include a molecular dynamics calculation, which is being carried out using a PCGAMESS software to be able to know the trends in the inter molecular approaches and dispositions while the molecules get closer  or when they are closely packed. On the basis of this, it would be possible to arrive at appropriate molecular clusters at optimized locations with respect to each other. The position coordinates of such structures can further be used as inputs into calculations using DFT algorithms to find the extent of intermolecular contributions in the cluster of molecules in comparison with the isolated chemical shift values. This approach can be yielding the necessary criteria for improving the applicability of Magnetic Dipole Model for intra and inter molecular Shielding contributions as envisaged in the two references cited at the end of the enumeration under Impact of Results in the beginning of a resume downloadable from a link at the top of this page (Annexure-I in the resume). An example of the efforts made in this direction is the Video movie file embedded in the webpage:   http://www.geocities.com/saravamudhan1944/ugc_inno_proposal.html.  these together with the efforts to construct a MASS Probe accessory for the FT NMR can give the necessary impetus to further promote the wider use of the NMR spectroscopy and the better utilization of the existing NMR facility.


North Eastern Hill University
(Department of Chemistry)

Nature of work done

Experiment and Theory:-
Magnetic Resonance
Static Induced Magnetic
Field Distributions &
HR PMR in Solids:
Consequences to
Molecules and Materials

Induced field calculations
as could be relevant in
Biomolecular magnetic Resonance.
Implementing a
  CSIR Research project  entitled:
�Shielding Parameters of Nuclei......
Molecular Electronic Structure"
No. of papers published

One in Refereed Indian Journal.

to National and International

Total number= 30

List can be displayed by:
Membership of National and International Bodies

Life Member:
1. National Magnetic Resonance Society-NMRS,
2. Indian Biophysical Society-IBS,
3. Chemical research Society of India-CRSI.
4. Life Member of the National Chemistry Teachers Association
5. Life Member of the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) Kolkata.   Membership No. L13931

Annual member :
Member through year 2010: International Society for Magnetic Resonance   http://www.ismar.org
Member of Groupement Ampere for years 2006,2007 &2008 http://www.ampere.ethz.ch
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