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Event-I International Workshop on Biomedical Magnetic Resonance- IWBMR2005
All India Institute for Medical Sciences New Delhi January 12-15, 2005

EMail Message

            Fri, 17 Dec 2004 04:18:10 +0000 (GMT)
             From: "N.R. Jagannathan"    nrjgj@yahoo.co.in
             To: "Dr. S. Aravamudhan"   saravamudhan@nehu.ac.in

                                                                                                                                   Date: 17-12-2004.

Dear participant:
Thank you for your interest and for registering for the �International Workshop on Biomedical MR�. The arrangements for the workshop are in full swing and we hope that everyone will have fruitful scientific deliberations with about 30 speakers from aboard and India including Prof. Richard R. Ernst, Nobel Laureate from Switzerland.

Financial Support:

We are happy that the organizing committee would be able to provide you second class sleeper fare (both ways) to participate in the workshop.


For those student participants (and few others) whom the organizers are providing the II class sleeper fare (both ways) to participate in the workshop, are requested to send to the Convener a a Xerox copy of their ticketalong with a covering letter requesting travel support,immediately or by January 05, 2005.


Your accommodation has been booked at (from January 11th to 15th, 2005 - if any one wants to stay after the workshop, they have to make their own arrangements but the organizers can help them stay at the same place of stay, if available):

(iii) Guest House,

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (I.C.G.E.B)

Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi-110 067.

Telephone: 26189361, 26177357, 26189358,26189360.

Those participants with accompanying members should pay the accommodation charges

How to reach your place of accommodation:

Please NOTE that you should reach your place of accommodation on your own.No arrangements for pick up from railway station or from the airport have been arranged.

You may reach your place of accommodation by taxi or auto or by bus. The following are the guideline that you may follow:
(i) From New Delhi railway station to I.N.S.A: Auto fare Rs. 20/- (approx) From Old Delhi railway station to I.N.S.A: Auto fare Rs 35/-(approx) From H. Nizamuddin railway station to I.N.S.A: Auto fare Rs 40/-(approx) From Inter State Bus Terminal to I.N.S.A: Auto fare Rs 40/- (approx) From Indira Gandhi International Airport to I.N.S.A: Auto fare Rs 100/ From Palam Domestic Airport to I.N.S.A: Auto fare Rs 80/- (approx) (ii) From New Delhi railway station to I.I.T: Auto fare Rs 50/-(approx); Bus route � 520 From Old Delhi railway station to I.I.T: Auto fare Rs 80/-(approx); Bus route - 502 From H. Nizamuddin railway station to I.I.T: Auto fare Rs 40/-(approx) From Inter State Bus Terminal to I.I.T: Auto fare Rs 80/-(approx); Bus route � 501, 502 From Indira Gandhi International Airport to I.I.T: Auto fare Rs 80/-(approx) From Palam Domestic Airport to I.I.T: Auto fare Rs 60/-(approx) (iii) From New Delhi Railway Station to I.C.G.E.B/N.I.I: Auto fare Rs 80/- From Old Delhi Railway Station to I.C.G.E.B/N.I.I: Auto fare Rs 100 From H. Nizamuddin Railway Station to I.C.G.E.B/N.I.I: Auto fare Rs 70 From Inter State Bus Terminal to I.C.G.E.B/N.I.I: Auto fare Rs 100/-(approx) From Indira Gandhi International Airport to ICGEB/NII Auto fare Rs 100/-

From Palam Domestic Airport to I.C.G.E.B/N.I.I: Auto fare Rs 90/-(approx) Pre-paid taxi can be hired at the airport terminals. Pre-paid taxi and auto-rickshaws can also be hired just outside railway stations. These services are run by the Government and hence the charges are reasonable. Participants can also choose to use the local buses.


Your registration fee includes the following: (i) conference materials, (ii) accommodation and breakfast from 12th to 15th at your place of stay (iii) four lunch during workshop dates, (iv) dinner on 12th and 13th. Other expenses have to be borne by the participants. January 13th evening is free for the participants to explore the beauty of Delhi.

The registration counter would open from 14.00 to 18.00 hrs at INSA on January 11, 2005 and participants can register. Registration can also be made on January 12, 2005 from 8.00 am onwards.

Local transport facilities:

Everyday at 8.00 am we have made arrangement to pick all the participants from their place of stay to the venue of the meeting, INSA. Hence all participants are requested to have their breakfast at their place of stay and be ready at 8.00 am. Similarly, after the conclusion of the proceedings, the participants would be dropped at their respective place of stay.

Venue of the Meeting:

Indian National Science Academy (I.N.S.A)

Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,

Near I.T.O., New Delhi-110002

Telephone: 2322 1935 to 1950.


The workshop would be inaugurated by Prof. Richard R. Ernst at 9.15 am in INSA auditorium on January 12, 2005. The inaugural lecture at 10.00 am would be delivered by Prof. S. Ogawa, who discovered the basis of functional MRI, the BOLD mechanism.

Prof. Richard R. Ernst, Nobel Laureate, would deliver a popular lecture on �My Science and My Passions� at 5.15 pm at the Jawahar Lal Auditorium at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. Prof. P. Venugopal, Director, AIIMS would preside over the lecture and Prof. V. S. Ramamurthy, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India would be the Chief Guest.

All the participants of the workshop would be taken to AIIMS from INSA on January 12, 2005 at 4.30 pm for this popular lecture.


Dr.N.R.Jagannathan, FNASc, FASc. Professor and Head, Department of NMR, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, NEW DELHI - 110029, INDIA. Tel: 91-011-2659 3253, 2658 8533 (O); 2659 3417(R) Fax: 91-011-2658 8663 and 2658 8641 E-mail: jagan1954@hotmail.com OR nrjgj@yahoo.co.in http://www.aiims.edu/ragu/aiims/events/nmr/biomed-mr.htm

Event-IIThe XXI International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems and the NMRS2005
to be held between 16 and 21 January, 2005 in Hyderabad, India.

EMail Message             Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 01:27:19 +0530 (IST)
             From: "Int.Conf.on Mag.Resonance ICMRBS Biological Systems."   
             To: "Dr. S. Aravamudhan"   saravamudhan@nehu.ac.in

Dear Dr. Aravamudhan,

I am happy to share with you that the following abstract is adjudged for poster presentation.

Abstract Submission ID: 0280

Title: Disentangling the Bulk Susceptibility Medium-Effects from the Molecular Local Chemical Shift Changes in Heterogeneous Bilogical Systems

The size of the poster can be 95 cm in width and 100 to 120 cm in length.

All the posters will be on from Monday through Thursday.

There will be three poster sessions: Monday (Jan 17), Tuesday (Jan 18) and Thursday(Jan 20) from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.

All odd numbered posters will be viewed and discussed on Monday (Jan 17) and all even numbered posters will be viewed and discussed on Thursday (Jan 20).

Please visit http://www.tifr.res.in/~icmrbs/ for more information on the Conference - please forward this web address to any interested colleagues.

With my best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Chary K.V.R.


On behalf of the Conference Organizers: Prof. Anil Kumar (Chairman), Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore. Prof. K.V.R.Chary (Scientific Secretary), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. Prof. Girjesh Govil, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. Prof. R. V. Hosur, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. Prof. C.L.Khetrapal, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow. Dr. Ajit C. Kunwar, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad. ========================================================================

Prof. K.V.R.Chary e.mail: chary@tifr.res.in Professor Phone : 0091-22-2280 4545 Departement of Chemical Sciences, ext: 2489 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Res : 0091-22-2280 4860 Homi Bhabha Raod, Colaba, Fax : 0091-22-2280 4610 Mumbai 400 005, 0091-22-2280 4611 India 0091-22-2280 4682 ========================================================================

to be held during JANUARY 22-25, 2005 at UNIVERSITY OF PUNE

Click HERE for the Website announcement for ibs2005
Another webpage by this Author to Document for this event

Event-IVInternational Workshop on Recent Trends in Solid State NMR in Biologocal Systems
to be held during January 24-26, 2005 at I.I.Sc., Bangalore

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